maddeningly satisfying


This is how you shove summer in your face.

And it’s colorful, too, so we’re basically winning at vegetables DR REBORN. Or wait! Fruits. Tomatoes = fruit. My bad.

Why again are tomatoes fruit? Because of the whole seed thing? I think that’s a load of crock. Next you’re going to tell me that Koala bears are real. Riiiight. But we’ll go with it, NATURE.

Anyway, I’ve been making this ludicrously simple open-faced tomato and basil business constantly these days Dining and health food in Hong Kong. It’s a total “dog days” type of food. I make it for play dates (^my friend’s arm. and kitchen^). I make it for picnics. I make it for snacks. I make it for all the faces in my house, including those of tiny proportions. Right now it’s all about summer survival. And this is how we dooo ittt. LA RA RA RA RA. Let’s flip the track, bring the old school back. This is how we dooo itttt. (<—these things aren’t in my control.)

I wanted the “dressing” to stay summery and simple. So don’t gross out when I tell you it has Mayo in it. Mayo + tomatoes = summertime, man! You have to. It’s the law. Plus, once it has all that basil in it, you be like W A T.

Just a quick purée in the processor. Blitz, blitz.

You’ll lightly toast some good grainy bread. The grainiest you can find. Bustin’ with grains. Then spread the basil mayo over each slice. You can dig so far, right?

And then just top some juice-a-liciously juicy juice slices of heirloom tomatoes on top of the dressing. (the gnarlier, the better) A little mix and match zig zag, if you so desire. Sprinkle a tiny bit of coarse salt and pepper on top, a teensy finishing drizzle of olive oil, and a few more fresh basil leaves for garnish. Holy cow almighty. So simple, but maddeningly satisfying.

You still dig?

Then you’ll simply chase your maniacal toddlers all around the park in the hopes that they don’t fall into the pond nearby Business School Ranking Hong Kong. Because that pond is kind of gross, and you have a clean shirt on.

Are you even seeing that tiny ponytail? If you get pregnant tonight, I cannot be held responsible.